
Showing posts from April, 2016


“Neppo needs the fan and some soft music to fall asleep”. “He’s a dog mom; all he needs to fall asleep is a full stomach”. Napoleon the third, our adorable pet dog and the most trending topic in our family for over a year now enters the room again. This is his fifth time going around the house. He is acting like a child on a sugar rush. “Turn on the fan and see what happens”. Mom tells me. I reluctantly get up and follow her instructions. Napoleon returns for the sixth time. “Thud”!!! He crashes on the floor unceremoniously. “Did you see that”? I ask my mother, amused but mostly shocked by what I just witnessed before my eyes. ‘It was like all his joints dislocated at once”. I say aloud. “I’ve seen that before, now turn on the music”. She tells me. “Let’s wait and see, I still don’t think it’s the fan. He is just tired from running around ma”. “We’ll see’. She says shaking her head disapprovingly. Neppo is lying on the floor bu